Positive Power and Influence is our open-enrolment programme, available in virtual learning and blended learning formats.
The programme is a transformative experience suitable for people at all levels in an organisation – anybody who needs to have impact, create trusting relationships, and connect and collaborate effectively with others. That’s everyone from the most senior leaders, those stepping into leadership roles, and high-potential and emerging talent.
Participants will experience engaging online content, small-group experiential learning, peer coaching, and a personalised approach to their development led by highly experienced, exceptional facilitators.
Positive Power and Influence builds behavioural agility, the vital skill for:
- Conveying ideas with presence and impact.
- Leading with vision and inspiration.
- Building and being part of great teams.
- Navigating change with resilience and agility.
- Innovating and driving forward new ideas.
- Forging partnerships and alliances centred on trust.
Open Enrolment Programmes
Virtual Learning Programme
12 x 2-hour sessions
£2695 + VAT
Blended Learning Programme
3-day face-to-face workshop plus 2 x 2-hour virtual sessions
£3795 + VAT
Incredibly useful and well-structured training programme. Delivery was spot-on, the safe group dynamic was established quickly, ability to practise then get constructive and actionable feedback was brilliant. By far the best training course I have ever been on and one I feel will help me in my personal life as well as professional career.
Unlike other programmes I’ve been on, this was extremely practical and highly interactive. We were really put through our paces! As a result, I saw each of us improve and progress over the three days, as well as feel more comfortable sharing honest and open feedback with our peers.
It was truly revelatory. I had no idea which styles I already use, and which ones I could use, to influence. I believe that it will be applicable to professional AND personal interactions.
Websites don't listen. But we do.
We'd love to hear from you. If you have any specific questions, ask us here and we'll come back to you straight away. We always prefer conversations so, if a chat would be helfpul, let us know and we can arrange a time to suit you.
Programme Dates
Click to see detailed schedules
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What do we mean by Positive?
When you achieve your objective and maintain or build your relationships, you have positive impact.
If you focus too much on just getting the job done, over time people will feel steamrollered, or forced, because you’re not paying attention to the relationship. Conversely, if all you do is focus on the relationship, it’s likely that you’ll back off from meeting your objective. And then people will perceive you as avoiding.
Positive influence is about taking an intentional view of how much energy you give to the task, and how much energy you give to the relationship. That way, you can get things done and build trusting relationships at the same time.
What is Power?
Positional Power might be made up of a combination of your status, your job title, your expertise and your access to resource. Personal power is an internal resource made up of the physical, mental and emotional energy that you have to complete a task, make a change, overcome a challenge.
Your positional power + your personal power = your total power
The total power that you can apply to a situation is a combination of your positional power and your personal power and, if you can learn to use them both positively, then you are giving yourself the best chance to be influential.
What is Influence?
Influence is your power in action. When you apply your power to something that you want to achieve, it is visible in the way that you behave and can be felt by others: your power is converted to influence.
There are all sorts of factors that can diminish the amount of energy that others actually experience when you attempt to influence. Sometimes those factors are external – a last-minute agenda change or the fact that you’re running late might derail some of your careful planning and cause you to lose energy. Sometimes those factors are internal – your thoughts, beliefs and preconceptions can adversely affect the energy that others feel. You’ll probably revert to behaviours with which you feel most comfortable but, if they’re not suitable to the situation, you run the risk of failing in your objective, damaging your relationship, or both.
If you have influence flexibility, you’ll be comfortable with a range of behaviours and will recognise which situations are most likely to be impacted positively by which behaviours. That way, more of your positive power is converted to positive influence.